Tuesday, 25 March 2008

They're whispering this behind your back

They're whispering this behind your back

Everyone "in the know" is talking about it...

Big-time marketers are making insane profits from it...

And you can start using this advanced marketing tacticstarting minutes from right now...


It's called "Video Marketing" and it's not as easy as youmay think...

Because *amatuer* videos DON'T sell!

You need the right equipment and the technical skills toedit and optimize the final production.
And face it...unless you have charisma on camera, you won'tbe able to sell anything to anyone.

Fortunately, there is an easier way...


Would you try to perform surgery on yourself or cut your own hair?
No Way!

So if you're not a professional actor and you don't have thetechnical skills to produce quality videos, then why would you even consider creating your own marketing videos?
It's a no-brainer...

Because Todd Gross and Derrick Van Dyke have teamed up toproduce outstanding PreSale Videos.

Todd is professional actor and Derrick is a professional programmer. And they are both well-known marketing experts.

Together they have created an amazing new service that givesyou Video Web Pages that are branded with your affiliate linksand promote the hottest products online!

Click below to start your free 7-day trial:

John Caldecott
P.S. Membership is strictly limited to 500 so you have to bequick or you'll end up on a waiting list until the next spotopens up...


Sunday, 23 March 2008

Presale Videos


Everyone "in the know" is talking about it...
Big-time marketers are making insane profits from it... And you can start using this advanced marketing tacticstarting minutes from right now...
It's called "Video Marketing" and it's not as easy as youmay think... Because *amatuer* videos DON'T sell!
You need the right equipment and the technical skills toedit and optimize the final production. And face it...unless you have charisma on camera, you won'tbe able to sell anything to anyone.
Fortunately, there is an easier way... http://presalevideos.com/?9635
Would you try to perform surgery on yourself or cut your own hair? No Way!
So if you're not a professional actor and you don't have thetechnical skills to produce quality videos, then why would you even consider creating your own marketing videos?
It's a no-brainer...
Because Todd Gross and Derrick Van Dyke have teamed up toproduce outstanding PreSale Videos.
Todd is professional actor and Derrick is a professional programmer. And they are both well-known marketing experts.
Together they have created an amazing new service that givesyou Video Web Pages that are branded with your affiliate links and promote the hottest products online!
Click below to start your free 7-day trial: http://presalevideos.com/?9635
John Caldecott
P.S. Membership is strictly limited to 500 so you have to bequick or you'll end up on a waiting list until the next spotopens up...

Presale Videos

Wanna see something amazing?

In a recent split test selling a $77 Clickbank product, we sent half of our prospects straightto the sales page and the other half to a PreSaleVideo first.
The results...?
Only ONE person bought from the first group while27 people from the second group (the ones who sawthe video first) purchased the product at $77.
That's a huge difference!

You see? Todd warms them up for you, so you canclinch the sale and boost your profits!

To see these amazing videos in action, click the linkbelow and start your free 7-day trial:
But you have to be quick because Todd and his partner,Derrick Van Dyke, are limiting memberships to only 500!

And they are almost full...
If you don't get there in time, you'll have to get on a waiting list until a spot opens up.
Secure your membership and start your 7-day trial now:

My forecast?
"There is a 100% chance of higher conversionstoday, with a high of 75 degrees"
John Caldecott

Presale Videos

Everyone "in the know" is talking about it...

Big-time marketers are making insane profits from it...
And you can start using this advanced marketing tacticstarting minutes from right now...


It's called "Video Marketing" and it's not as easy as youmay think...
Because *amatuer* videos DON'T sell!

You need the right equipment and the technical skills toedit and optimize the final production.
And face it...unless you have charisma on camera, you won'tbe able to sell anything to anyone.

Fortunately, there is an easier way...

Would you try to perform surgery on yourself or cut your own hair?
No Way!

So if you're not a professional actor and you don't have thetechnical skills to produce quality videos, then why would you even consider creating your own marketing videos?

It's a no-brainer...

Because Todd Gross and Derrick Van Dyke have teamed up toproduce outstanding PreSale Videos.

Todd is professional actor and Derrick is a professional programmer. And they are both well-known marketing experts.

Together they have created an amazing new service that givesyou Video Web Pages that are branded with your affiliate links and promote the hottest products online!

Click below to start your free 7-day trial:

John Caldecott

P.S. Membership is strictly limited to 500 so you have to bequick or you'll end up on a waiting list until the next spotopens up...



Saturday, 8 March 2008

How to get a 100% conversion rate on your website traffic.

I want to show you how to get a 100% conversion rate on your website traffic.

This is not a sales pitch and there is nothing to buy. There is no squeeze page that is designedto sell you anything later either.

This is an event that you should know about...

First there was Pay Per Click advertising which pays you on the small percentage of website visitors that actually click on an advertisement.

Now there is "Pay Per Play" advertising that will pay you on 100% of your website traffic... NO CLICKS NECESSARY!

Pay Per Play caters to an audience that is larger than radio, television and print media combined!

Billions of dollars are being spent by big brand advertisers and they are ready to pay you. Will you claim your share of the pie?

Or will you let someone else have it?

To learn more about Pay Per Play visit:
Best regards,
Godbless, John.

How to Sell High Priced Products Online and Offline

How to Sell High Priced Products Online and Offline
By Yanik Silverwww.SurefireMarketing.com
During my presentation at my recent Underground OnlineMarketing Seminar (www.UndergroundOnlineSeminar.com/?52187) -
I talked about my own "Underground" secrets. One of the things I covered was how to sell super high-end products.

Personally, I've sold everything from $17 ebooks to$14,500.00 "Apprentice Programs" and lots in-between. Mymost recent high-end product is a $7,995/month program forcosmetic surgeons.
I really love high priced products and you'll see why in amoment...

First off, if you want to make $1M this year - then you'd have to sell 20000 copies of my 'doohickey' at $50. Or it could be 2000 copies at $500. Or better still 200 copies at$5000.
It's a lot easier dealing with 200 customers than 20,000.

Think of all the customer service and infrastructure, etc.Plus, as a general rule - the buyers of a high-pricedproduct or service are better buyers are easier to dealwith than someone who bought a $9.95 ebook and drives youcrazy.

The other thing is these customers pay more attention andrevere the information or product/service more. I'veattended $500 seminars and I've attended $10,000.00seminars. Which one do you think I was paying moreattention to? So having higher priced products is actuallybetter for your customers because they are more committed.Think about the last time you gave free advice to someone -what happen?

That's right. Nothing. But if you had madethem pay you for consulting - they would have taken it toheart.

But there's still more on the economics side...

With a higher priced product that means you have more moneyto advertise. If I'm going against someone selling a $19ebook and I'm selling a $199 home study course in the samemarket - who can spend more?
No contest, right?

My competitor can only go up to $19 (unless they've got aback-end product) but I can actually spend up to $199. Butwhat else does that let me do? I can come into amarketplace and suck up a big part of the resellers becauseI can give more commissions. Hey, that's the name of thegame for many affiliates. I can give them $100 to promotemy product instead of the measly $10 my competitor mightgive them.

And of course speaking of economics there's more money init for you. If you've got a high priced product thereshould be a very high margin built in. If not, raise theprice. I'm serious most people are undercharging for whatthey provide. My rule of thumb and one of my values I lookat it every morning in my planners says "I am rich byenriching others 10x - 100x what they pay me in return".

That's a big deal for me. If you pay me $1000 for a product- I want to make sure it delivers $10,000 in value for mycustomers. I suggest you consider something similar. Ifyour product isn't good enough for you to raise your priceon it - make it better!

Here are just some of the high-end products you could sellin the information marketing world (I've successfully soldall of these and taught many of my students how to do thesame):

* Live events like workshops and seminars

* "Big" boxes of manuals, CDs, DVDs, CDroms, etc

* High end facilitated group masterminds

* eClasses

* "Done it for them" services

* Coaching

* Reprint rights and licenses and many more...

And don't think high-priced products can only sell if youare selling 'how to make money' related products. I havestudents and friends doing very well selling high pricedproducts to the fitness marketplace, the dating markets,small niche obsessive-compulsive markets, self-help, careermarketplaces and many more.
Now a lot of people think selling high priced products area lot tougher than low-priced products. Not true. Youusually spend about the same effort trying to sell a high-priced product as a lower priced product.

Now when selling a high-priced product most people make themistake of just trying to "1-step" it. That means sendingpeople off to a webpage or sending them a sales letter andthen nothing more. Only a small percentage will buy thisway. I prefer lead generating where I get people to "raisetheir hands" and say "yeah I'm interested".

This way I cannow afford to spend more to chase those prospects. And it'snot enough to just email them follow-ups. I prefer to havea whole arsenal at my fingertips if needed like directmail, voice broadcast, telephone calls, postcards, etc.

If over-delivering on value - hold your breath and add anextra zero to your price. You'll thank me for it! ;)
(c) Surefire Marketing, Inc.
Yanik Silver is recognized as the leading expert on creating automatic, moneymaking websites...and he stilldoesn't know how to put up a website.

He is the author, co-author or creator of several best-selling online marketing books and tools, including thisupdated course for selling high-end products onine: http://www.InstantInternetProfits.com/?52187

How A Hidden Psychological 'Trigger' Makes ProspectsPractically Line Up and Beg You To Do Businss With You

How A Hidden Psychological 'Trigger' Makes ProspectsPractically Line Up and Beg You To Do Businss With You
By Yanik Silver http://www.MindMotivators.com/52187

Do you remember the stupid beer commercial a few years backwith the tagline "Why Ask Why?" Well, completely unknown tothe ad agency -- they had almost stumbled onto abreakthrough marketing concept.

Telling people the reason why you are doing something isone of the most powerful influencers of human behavior.

Robert Cialdini, Ph.D. in his book "Influence: ThePsychology of Persuasion" talks about an experiment byHarvard social psychologist, Ellen Langer, that concludedpeople like to have a reason for what they do.

Her experiment consisted of people waiting in line to use alibrary copy machine and then having experimenters ask toget ahead in line.

The first excuse used was "Excuse me, I have five pages.May I use the Xerox machine because I'm in a rush?" Thisrequest coupled with a reason was successful 94% of thetime. However when the experimenter made a request only:"Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xeroxmachine?" this request was only granted 60% of the time. Asignificant drop.
Okay now for the shocker.

It may seem like the difference between those two requestswas the additional information of "because I'm in a rush",but that's just not the case.

Because in a third experimenter, the experimenter asks"Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machinebecause I have to make some copies?" There's no reasonmentioned or new information presented, just the words"because".

This time a full 93% of the people said yes simply due tothe word 'BECAUSE'! And it didn't even matter that therewas no reason given. Just the word because triggered amagic response.
Using this psychological 'trigger' can massively increaseyour Marketing success.

Here's an example: John E. Powers, one of the topcopywriters in the 1900's, wrote this ad for a Pittsburghdepartment store in severe financial trouble:

"We are bankrupt. We owe $125,000 more than we can pay, andthis announcement will bring our creditors down on ournecks. But if you come and *buy* tomorrow, we shall havethe money to meet them. If not, we shall go to the wall."

Instead of yelling 'SALE' like so many other stores would,there's a legitimate reason given why people should spendtheir money at this store. And this ad was said to beresponsible for saving the store.

Another ad written by Powers, for a different merchant,proclaimed "We have a lot of rotten raincoats we want toget rid of." This sold out the entire inventory ofraincoats by the next morning.

Max Sackheim, famous for the long-running ad "Do You MakeThese Mistakes In English" and originator of the book-of-the-month concept, says this: "Whenever you make a claim orspecial offer in your advertising, come up with an honestreason why, and then state it sincerely. You'll sell manymore products this way."

And this powerful strategy works just as well today.

Using this secret weapon for a medical equipment company, Ihelped them produce a massive 1,073% return on investmentsimply using "reason-why" copy.

The premise was how can we sell a product for theincredibly low price of only $477? (Regularly this productsells for about $695 - $895.) Then the ad went on toexplain that the reason why the price was so low wasbecause the manufacturer wanted to gain market share andget nurses and doctors accustomed to using their product.It was a huge winner and a big money-maker for the client.

So how can you apply all of this to your business? Easy.Let's say you have a slow time of year and you want toincrease your business during this period. Well, write asimple letter to your customers making a special offer,only good during your slow period.

Maybe you'll throw in an extra free bonus, an extraservice, or a special discount simply because it is your"slow time" and you need to pay your staff anyway.

Let people in "behind the scenes" at your company...

* Are you overstocked on merchandise because for somereason customers only want the deluxe widget - but youordered tons of the basic one?

* Did you have a flood and you need to liquidate (pardonthe pun) your inventory?

* Do you need to raise cash so you can pay for yournosejob?

Whatever the reason. Tell them the truth.
For some reason everyone wants to be mysterious about theirbusiness. If you're lowering the price nobody thinks you'redoing it just because you're "such a nice guy". So letpeople in the reason why.

I know this probably goes against every grain of businesssense, but I promise if you give people a good, believablereason why they'll respond with open wallets.
(c) Surefire Marketing, Inc.
Yanik Silver is recognized as the leading expert on creating automatic, moneymaking websites...and he stilldoesn't know how to put up a website.

He is the author, co-author or creator of several best-selling products. Plus his newest resource to cover 21Psychological Hot Buttons is

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

A Revolution has come for you...

I am excited to let you know about a revolutionarysystem that I recently came across.It could earn you an extra $50, 100 or even $200 aday just by placing a small piece of code on yourwebsite.


And if you don't have website yet, still you can usethis system and skyrocket your affiliate earnings.

My friend Raamakant S. comes up with this incrediblesystem.

All you have to do is signup for free, get acode and paste it to your site. It'll take just 15minutes of your time. Check this out now!


You have no idea how powerful this system is. It'llblow your mind when you come to know, how itworks... There's nothing else like it!

Godbless, John.


Product Review: Does Prospect Response deliver responsive prospects?

Product Review: Does Prospect Response deliver responsive prospects?

I recently signed up for an excellent email promotion service called Prospect Response:
We are all faced with mounting problems getting email out to our lists. Spam filters and places like AOL are making it more and more difficult every day even to deliver legitimate messages in the process of fighting spam.

Even though email marketing has been tainted by the endless flow of spam (and overzealous email filters), email promotion need not be a frustrating experience any more.

Prospect Response ensures your message always gets there:

• They PAY your prospects to read your ads!• You can get hundreds or even thousands of fresh leads every day! • Each message is double-checked to ensure it does not trigger spam filters• All email is delivered with personalized precision though proprietary technology• The company works with ISPs to ensure your messages are not trashed into spammers' blacklists
and a lot more...

Bottom line: Your ads reach lots of responsive prospects. And makes you lots of profits.

Click here to sign up:==> http://www.adsaturation.net/cgi-bin/pr/d.cgi/JC38687

Godbless, John.
Free Domain Name - with Web Hosting

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

PayDotClickbankAlert - Join the Big Dogs!

Hope all is well - how is your online bizgoing? Are you moving forward as quickly as you had hoped? If not, there's a new tool that canchange that pretty quickly, and you can get ittoday for no outlay whatsoever...
My friends Tim Brechbill & Doug Champigny know that one thing holding people back isnot being privy to the big launches. As a result,by the time you know about new product to push, the Big Dogs have blasted it to their massivelists, leaving everyone else to fight for the leftover scraps...
But what if you knew about every new product loaded up into Clickbank and PayDotCom within24 HOURS of it being listed? Finally you can!You can get that information arriving in your Inbox every day - and not just a link to their site, but the actual product listings themselves,ready for you to push if it fits your e-zine, blogs or websites!
Imagine how much more you could make if yourinfo was the first time your list had heard ofthe products? Picture what it would do to your'street cred' with your people if you showed them new products before anyone else on a regular basis...
Think about the lists you're on - who are the few that always seem to know about the new stufffirst? The Big Dogs. Really, in most cases you don't really know anything about them - you onlyknow they're Big Dogs because they have the connections to always be amongst the first totell you about new launches, right?
So what will YOUR people think when you do thesame for them? Watch your conversions soar as they come to recognize you as a well-connected,in-the-know Big Dog - a person whose e-mails theyread every issue, because they get so much new info from every issue.
See you there!
Godbless, John.

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