Sunday, 23 March 2008

Presale Videos

Everyone "in the know" is talking about it...

Big-time marketers are making insane profits from it...
And you can start using this advanced marketing tacticstarting minutes from right now...

It's called "Video Marketing" and it's not as easy as youmay think...
Because *amatuer* videos DON'T sell!

You need the right equipment and the technical skills toedit and optimize the final production.
And face it...unless you have charisma on camera, you won'tbe able to sell anything to anyone.

Fortunately, there is an easier way...

Would you try to perform surgery on yourself or cut your own hair?
No Way!

So if you're not a professional actor and you don't have thetechnical skills to produce quality videos, then why would you even consider creating your own marketing videos?

It's a no-brainer...

Because Todd Gross and Derrick Van Dyke have teamed up toproduce outstanding PreSale Videos.

Todd is professional actor and Derrick is a professional programmer. And they are both well-known marketing experts.

Together they have created an amazing new service that givesyou Video Web Pages that are branded with your affiliate links and promote the hottest products online!

Click below to start your free 7-day trial:

John Caldecott

P.S. Membership is strictly limited to 500 so you have to bequick or you'll end up on a waiting list until the next spotopens up...


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