Saturday, 23 February 2008

Stress and Teenagers

Stress and Teenagers
By John Caldecott.

Every teenager is going to face some amount of stress in their lives, from the family, for their grades, in getting a job, in getting their drivers license, stress with friends, stress and drugs, and so much more. Helping your child through stressful times in their life is going to be important. As you teach your teen to handle stress, and not to handle stress for them, but on their own, you are going to be teaching them life skills.

Your teen is going to face stress, when grades come out. To fight the stress about grades, talk to your teen about how they are doing in school all the time, not just at report card time. Voice options, such as, if they get a bad grade, offer to help them learn the subject. Spend extra time learning about history or calculus and get the teen interested in getting a better grade. To get a better grade, a teen has to work hard all semester. One failing grade can be overcome and shouldn’t be a matter of too much stress. Avoid the stress of failing for the year by giving your teen the opportunity of a tutor, or of your own abilities in that subject.

Your teen is going to have stress in their life when it comes to peer pressure. Pressure about doing drugs, cutting school, and stress about having sex. Giving your teen information about what they can have in life and what they won’t have in life if they are to make the wrong choices is going to help them avoid stress. Help them choose the right friends, help them to have fun without drugs, and provide options of where they can hang out so they won’t be tempted to make the wrong choices. Without knowing it is ok for a friend to come over and watch movies all the time, a teen is not going to bring friends home. Give your teen options and leave stressful situations behind, as they learn to make choices that are not going to cause worry, stress, and possible problems in the future.

Every teen is going to feel stress about having sex at some point in their life. To make the transition easier, a teen should be able to talk to a parent, or to an adult about sex and what to do about pressure. If a teen does not feel ready to have sex, they will shun away from the situation, change friends, and drop a girl friend or boy friend. These are normal situations. To give your teen help during these stressful years, don’t urge on relationships. If a choice has been made, let it be. Teens make choices because they feel they believe in the outcome. Give your teen advice, but don’t try and make their decisions for them. If you come on too strong, a teen may just do the opposite just because they want to prove you wrong so avoid giving only ultimatums, but tell the teen about choices for the best possible outcome.

Godbless, John.
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